Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 30 - Officially One Month In.

I think this post might be a bit complain-y. And also short. And probably riddled with typos.

So lots of excitment for my 1 month success. I feel like it's something noteable, because I can honestly say that I have been about 85-90% on plan for 30 entire days. Which is no small feat for me.

I didn't sleep very well last night. It probably didn't help that it was f*#$ing 45 degrees last night and for some reason, and since it's FEBRUARY and I refuse to turn on my A/C my apt stayed right at 78 ALL NIGHT. Which is just entirely too warm for me to sleep in. I prefer it to be much cooler in my room. So I can cuddle up beside bf and be toasty under the covers... Not too hot under ONE sheet.

So I had one of those fall-asleep-and-wake-up-every-15-minute nights. Basically the worst.

And I am dragging today. Just dragging. Even my morning coffee didn't perk me up. Blaaah

So, in one month I've managed to lose around 15 pounds. Honestly...technically... 14.6 pounds. Which makes me very, very happy. I'm wearing my not-so-fat jeans today. They are a pair I've been wearing for like 5 years now, because I absolutely love them. But they got a little too tight for a few months and I kind of stopped wearing them and switched to fat-jeans. It makes me happy that they fit again. They aren't as loose as they have been in the past, but noooo muffin top either! (:

I have also seen a fair amount of change in my face. It's less puffy than it had been. Looking at Thanksgiving/Christmas pictures, I can see just a little less roundness happening. I'd really like to start loosing in my fingers too. They aren't super fat, I guess... but I used to wear a size 6.5-7 and now I'm more like a 7.5 and all my pretty rings are too snug and I'm too proud to get the resized. Because, WHAT'S the point of that? I'm going to get all healthy and need them smaller again anyway, duh.

I am also very pround of myself... Today is the day I'm on campus for right at 12 hours. I get here at like 8:30a and I don't get out of my last class till 9p. So if I don't wanna eat at the BK on campus or try to just completely guess about the healthiest choices in the cafeteria... I have to bring my lunch AND dinner. Which is exactly what I did!

One salad with shredded turkey, a string cheese cut up, tons of veggies, pico de gallo, and some yummy salsa ranch yogurt dressing.

A big bowl of sliced strawberries and about a 1/2 of grapes.

Then a stupid, but almost kinda healthy, vaccum sealed meal for dinner. It's not the best, but considering what I have to work with... I can't be picky. Then an apple and a caramel rice cake. I know... you're probably thinking... Seriously? A rice cake? ...YES! They are delicious if you buy the right ones! haha

I usually love writing on this during the day... but today I just feel like I should be more productive. I have an exam in Research Methods and Statistics in like... 4 hours. And I know if I don't spend some time on it, it's going to kick my ass. Then I need to start thinking about a term paper for Industrial Psych. Oh... and one for Clinical Psych. Oh oh, and another for Psychometrics. ): I love psychology... but why does every single class have to end with a 10-12 page paper? Can't me loving it be enough? haha

Everyone go out and make your days awesome! I'm definitely not one to say that today... because I'm kinda walking around half dead and looking like I hate the world. But... do better than me today. haha

H t H W & D,


PS: I really need to start exercising more. I've got the eating healthy foods and moderation on lock, I think. But why can't I master this get my ass moving stuff too? Ugh ):


  1. E,
    I would try to make my day better than yours but Im going to a wake in a bit for a boy who committed suicide after being bullied. Its a rather gloomy and morose day.
    Im going to make this short but I hope that your classes end well and your lunch/dinner is great! I love rice cakes...especially the cheddar cheese mini rice cakes.
    Good luck and enjoy your day E!

  2. Maybe for the exercising start off small like 20 minutes a day! I know when I started this a little over a month ago I was only doing 20 minutes because I just couldn't bring myself to do anymore or else I'd just end up quitting. Eventually I started to do longer workouts, to an hour, sometimes an hour and a half depending on what I'm doing or how my mood it. But I think starting small will help with the motivation to start doing it more!

