Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 31 - More Pictures... I'm A Glutton For Punishment.

Hellooo!! How are you wonderful people? I always wanna say ladies... but that is incredibly sexist. It's way wrong of me to assume there are no gentlemen out there in 3fatchicks blog-land.

So... I have to cut right to the chase. The hardest part of all this diet healthy lifestyle stuff is that I LOVE food! And I love sweets. And I hate telling myself no. Now, while I've done a pretty solid job of if so far (I cheat every once in a while - when I think it's really worth it), it's hard to think this has to be a forever kinda thing. So... I have to find new, healthier ways to satisfy these urges.

Enter: Arctic Zero. I'm sure some of you have heard of it... but those who haven't and love ice cream, please keep listening.

It's fat-free, low sugar, gluten free. It has 8 grams of fiber per pint and 14 grams of protein. It is non-GMO, which means it has no genetically modified ingredients. And of course, I've saved the best for last... It's 150 calories for the ENTIRE PINT. Yes. The whole pint. Which means for a serving, which is 1/2 cup... there's 37 calories. My mind was blown when I read about it, so I naturally wanted some.

Unfortunately, there are no stores within 100 miles that sells it. But that's what the internets are for. Amazon to the rescue. Last night, when I got home from my very, very long class day I had a wonderful little package waiting on me at the door. I ordered a 6 pack of this Arctic Zero... 3 chocolate and 3 peanut butter chocolate. (What can I say? All or nothing...) It was shipped in a styrofoam container with dry ice. I was a little worried it would arrive as soup, given the warm weather we have been having... but it was frozen solid!

Now... none of this matters if it tastes like complete crap. When I first opened it, it was really, really frozen. Once it thawed a little and I could actually get my spoon in... I was pleasantly surprised. It doesn't have the same consistency as ice cream. It's clearly labeled an "ice cream" replacement. If I had to try to describe it... I'd say it's a combination of ice cream and Italian ice. It's sort of flakey when you are scooping it, but it tastes very creamy. It's not too sweet and have NO weird artificial aftertaste. The peanut butter flavor is a little less intense than a typical peanut butter ice cream would be, but it's still very good.

You can sit down and eat the entire pint and have no guilty feelings... That basically won me over. I have been known to put away a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's in one or two sittings. I'm not proud of that... but yeah. I did it. Whatever. Now, while I don't condone this practice... if I ever want to sit down and eat a whole pint of this... I can. And I'll be 150 calories up rather than... what? 920 that a typical pint of B&J has. Wow. Huge difference.

Okay... now for the pictures!

My wrist looks kind of massive at this angle? But... taadaaaa!

Very important Nutrition Facts, in case you didn't believe me. haha

After a few bites. Looks like delicious chocolate ice cream to me. (:


I also wanted to do a little bragging about my after class snack last night... I'm pretty much famished after 12 hours of class and only having little nibbles, a small packed salad, and some stupid vacuum meal for dinner... So I came home and made a yummy cheesy spinach & mushroom egg-white omelet.

It's actually really hard to photograph food, as I'm learning. This doesn't look at awesome as I promise it was.

  • 3 tablespoons egg white

  • one whole mushroom, sliced

  • 1/8 C chopped onion

  • 1/3 C spinach

  • 1 light Babybel Cheese Wedge

  • 2 tablespoons salsa

  • 2 tablespoons plain, nonfat Greek yogurt (thought that was sour cream, didn't you! haha Tastes exactly the same!)

All together that's only 120 calories. And it was very yummy. It probably only needed 1 tablespoon of the Greek yogurt, which would shave off like... 10 calories. Not really all that impressive, but it's something. I sometimes put a little hot sauce in the egg white before I cook it, to give it a little extra kick. I like my stuff spicy. (;

Alright... I'm all done now. I just felt like chit chatting about food for a bit. I hope this gives you guys healthy ideas! If you have tried or plan to try the Arctic Zero, you should let me know what you think!

Here's to hard work and determination,


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