Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 42 - I Am A Rockstar Today

No, seriously. I'm a freakin' rockstar.

So. Where do I even begin? Let's start from the beginning of my day!

NO! We have to start with yesterday after work. I came home to find my new MacBook Pro was delivered a day early! I am so in love with it right now. It's name is Prometheus. (MacBook Pro... Prometheus... Oh yeah, I'm clever. I KNOW) So I am currently typing this blog on my beautiful new baby. I have to stop gushing. But I really do love it and it's so much better than my 5 year old Dell I had been banging away at.

Back on topic... I was so exhausted this morning. I have been congested and my throat is sore and so sleeping is just an all around pain in the ass. I woke up and did what I often do (and it sometimes gets me in trouble). I drug myself out of bed... and straight to the couch. I sat there for probably 10 minutes. Willing myself to move, but pretty much failing. Then I remembered! It's... Weeeeeiiigggghhhh Daaaaay! So I hopped up and got on my scale. Weighing only once a week is without a doubt the way to do it, in my opinion.


Last Week: 205.0

THIS Week: 200.2

My jaw pretty much dropped. It bounced around between 199.8 and 201.0 and finally settled on 200.2. I weighed 3 times just to make sure it was accurate. I could just die.

-4.8 pounds this week! Definitely met my 1 pound goal and DEFINITELY made up for a measly .4 pound loss last week!

So let's just say, I'm really thrilled about that. I can honestly see small changes now too. Like, really see them. I'm wearing my not so fat jeans today and they are fitting perfectly, I might add. (:

I'm so close to being down 20 pounds. Exactly 19.8 pounds so far. Damn it feels so good to see those numbers dropping and starting to see and feel  difference in my body is just so rewarding.

THEN! I get to class a few minutes early and find out the prof didn't hand back the exam on Thursday (which I missed). This makes me happy, because I hate missing the day we discuss the exam. This is my Industrial Psych class, for those of you who care? lol. Anyway... He gave a little speech about how difficult this test was for people and how there was a huge range of scores from awesome to "Why did you bother taking it at all?" I knew for sure I was the latter. Then I get it back to find out I got a 103/100 because there was a 3point bonus question. Freakin' blew my mind.

The rest of the day will undoubtably be uneventful. Bf won't be meeting me for lunch because he's tied up with homework. I was also too sick/lazy to pack anything last night or this morning. So I tossed a meal bar in my bag and decided that combined with breakfast would have to tied me over till I got home and heated up something for dinner. As boring as the rest of the day might be for me... The natural high of a 4.8 pound loss and a 103% on my exam will keeping me going for at least 2 days...

Today is also Valentine's Day. So Happy Valentine's Day! I know a lot of you out there are probably proponents of doing something unconventional for Valentine's Day and avoiding the box of chocolates. And I have to agree, it's a way better idea. But I am a chocolate fiend. And I need some truffles today or I will just die. This isn't going to be, "Go crazy and eat everything in sight" day like Superbowl... but I am totally buying something for myself. Bf and I agreed to skip it this year. We get totally slammed around this time of year because it's Christmas, his bday, my bday, and Valentine's day all in like a 3 month span. We go all out for Christmas and bdays and then just kinda skim over V-day.

I'm going to install Photoshop CS5 and Microsoft Office for Mac onto my new pretty now. I wish I could share all my happy and positivity with you guys, cause I have a ton to go around today and that's pretty unusual for me. Just stick with it, everybody! Good days always come around, you just have to get through the bad ones to get there sometimes!

Here's to hard work and determination,


Edit: Bf and I decided to share a box of chocolates and have a nice dinner at a Hibachi grill not far from our apartment. My Stats prof also passed out fancy wedding cake flavored cupcakes, which I shared with bf. All together... I ate around 2,126 calories today. A very rough estimation. I also just weighed myself and the scale read a very ugly 205.2. But I'm not reading anything into THAT. I have lots of food in my belly and it's way later than I ever weigh myself.  So that's my Valentine's Day. 788 calories over my normal limit. Which means I should really only gain like... not even a quarter of a pound. If I gain anything at all from it. I'm being crazy. Just wanted to let you all know how I was insane and ate the entire Japanese Hibachi grill and like half a box of chocolates. haha Enjoy your days!!

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