Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 40 - I'm A Big Baby Today...

I feel like I never have super exciting, uplifting news anymore! I am getting sick and I'm being a big, whiny baby about it. I think it's just a cold... Or maybe my sinuses acting up. But I've got horrible post nasal drip and my throat is killing me and my body is all achy and my nose is doing some weird stuffy/runny combination thing. And I slept for like 11 hours last night and could probably sleep for 11 more.

I only have like 10 minutes before I need to blow dry my hair and get dressed for work at 1. 1-10. Talk about the worst shift in the entire world. Second to third shift I guess, which also really sucks.

I am going to do some changing around of my page again! I see other people's pages and get inspired to do things similarly. Jewlz280 (and I know a lot of other people also) made me really want to dedicate a page to goals, pictures, and weigh ins. I keep track of my measurements biweekly also. I think maybe I should throw those in somewhere also. It just seems like a good idea. For people who don't necessarily follow my blog regularly or those who are seeing it for the first time.

So that's something I'm going to do tomorrow after work, I think.

I am so dehydrated right now. My throat's dry and my lips are cracked and ready to fall off. I hate feeling like this! I've been drinking water by the gallon, but it never seems to help any. I'm also super constipated (AH! TMI alert). And so I'm eating bf's Fiber One cereal in hopes that helps. I don't wanna take a laxative.. because I know those are really rough on your system. But if this doesn't let up soon, I might have to budge on that.

I had a yummy egg white omelet this morning. And since I work such a stupid shift I'll probably have a meal bar around "lunch time" and eat something healthy for dinner at work. Maybe a salad with lots of veggies and jalapeno tuna again. I need something spicy to open my nasal passages up. hah Totally taking one of my Nature Valley crunchy granola bars to work to munch on between lunch and dinner too. Those things are so good. I like the maple flavored ones.

Okay... I have to start making myself beautiful now. Hope everyone is having an incredible day! Tomorrow I plan to go comment insane on some people's blogs I've been admiring from afar. haha I just don't have the time right now!

Here's to hard work and determination,


Allllsooo!! Everyone who reads this should go check out my dear blogger buddie Sophie's blog "Diet Riot" off to the left under my blog roll and give her some love. She's going through some tough stuff and I think it would be nice to surprise her with some supportive, cheery comments for when she returns (: Thanks everyone!


  1. If you're really plugged up, go ahead and take some sort of stool softener. They aren't hard on your body like laxatives, but it will make you go and make it easier. Fiber and caffeine always helps me, too! But this last time (and it seems to be rampant at this time of year!) I HAD to take a softener. I can't imagine if I hadn't. But I seem to be back on track now. I just don't know what got me OFF track!!! Anyways, hope you get to feeling better soon. I know just how you are feeling!

  2. E,
    You are the best! <3 I don't think that I could have had any bigger a smile across my face when I read the last bit of this day's blog.
    I really do hope you start to feeling better. I know how you feel about the congestion and such because lately I have had the same problems! As for your TMI portion, I had the same problem not too long ago and my entire family suggested milk of magnesia tablets for me. Might be something to look into for yourself. They're unlike a laxative because its not forcing you to go its making it easier to go. Eh, anyway, not my favorite subject!
    Couldn't agree more with you about the redesigning the blog page. I do think that I am going to play copycat and do the same. Its much more organized and gives the blog more purpose. Plus, it would make it easier to update so that there are more aspects than one or two to follow.
    I do wonder if the site would take down a blog page of just ranting. If you have multiple pages up, such as a weight loss section, a ticker, progression pictures and so on, then I don't see why there would be much of a problem for a random page for ranting. Ahh! I have to get back to class! Good luck darling. :]
