Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 84 - Eventful.

I was trying to think of an alternate word for busy. I say busy a lot. I thought eventful might also be an accurate way to describe my day. Occupied, perhaps. Maybe unavailable?! Hectic and engaged are also good ones. Okay... I'm done.

Sooo. Today is wweeeeiigggghhh daaaay! And a good one, at that. I'm very excited to be posting this...

My bones were incorrect last night, when they were telling me I'm a fat cow and have stopped losing weight. I know, it isn't nice to call yourself names. That was just the sort of overall feeling I had last night. Anyway!

Last Week: 192.6
This Week: 189.2

A loss of... 3.4 pounds (ounds)...(unds)...(nds)...

That was an echo for those of you unsure about what just happened. (:

Very happy to be below the 190's... even if it's only a little below. It still counts in my eyes.

I feel like I should really have been working on cardio and maybe some weight training this whole time... My results, while noticable and super exciting, aren't what I thought they would be after a 30 pound loss. I'm wondering if I would be looking different [tight?] [tone?] [not so flabby?] if I had been exercising the whole time. And the obvious answer is yes, E, that's a really dumb question. OF COURSE you would.

Calories for the week: (Again, more for my record retention than anyone else's benefit. But if anyone is curious about foods I consume day-to-day or how I determined my calorie range, please feel free to inquire!)

Calorie Range: 1,200 - 1,400

Tues, Mar 20 1,708 (Went out to eat... No nutritional information. This is a guesstamation.)
Wed, Mar 21 1,151- unconsiously making up for the previous day?
Thus, Mar 22 1,135 - oops.
Fri,    Mar 23 1,057 - oops again.
Sat,    Mar 24 1,382
Sun,   Mar 25 1,431
Mon,   Mar 26 1,327

I promise, despite what it looks like, I'm not starving. I don't do a lot of snacking. And my schedule makes big lunches/dinner difficult. Blah.

Today I'm counting everything up until dinner. And then I'll start with my approximations. I really want a Frozen Hot Chocolate from Dairy Queen tonight. My sisters will want ice cream when they visit and I'm more than willing to oblige. I'll work on searching for nutritional information and getting an accurate calorie estimation made and plan a little for tonight... TO THE INTERNETS!

Alright... back to work. Everyone have wonderful days. Someday... in the near future... I'd like to add a little more content to my blogs. I'm just not sure where I wanna go with it just yet. So until then...

Here's to hard work and dertermination,

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