Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 64 - A Tornado Didn't Eat Me

Hello lovelies!

I don't have much to say despite being kinda MIA for like a week.

We have been experiencing some crazy weather here in Indiana recently. Cold one day, warm the next, and tornados and snow. I don't even know what to expect till I actually go outside. Where I live there were several tornados in the surrounding towns, but fortunately nothing here. A little wind damage and we went 5 hours without power at work one day last week, which was exciting.

I'm on spring break. I just got back from a weekend in Indianapolis. It has been a weekend of complete debautury. Steak and Shake, Russell Stover Store, Dunkin Donuts, lots of crown and coke, gross/delicious gas station burritos at 2am, Starbucks, Godiva chocolate store, PF Changs, amazing downtown Indy pub food... Honestly, I could probably keep going. But I'm not going to. I absolutely love Indianapolis. The concert was awesome. We saw Puscifer. Who I doubt may of you have heard of... Usually this helps: The lead sing of Tool has a solo project. That's Puscifer. I got to meet the guys in the band and get some stuff signed. Pretty freakin' amazing. It was a small venue, which is my favorite. Walking around downtown, in the middle of the night, while it was snowing was also pretty awesome.

I didn't weigh myself yesterday. Mostly because I wasn't home to do so.

I can also happily report I'm back on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon as of today. I missed it to be honest. I had a lot of fun this weekend, but I started feeling really crappy after like 3 days of it. I missed my nutritious food and I got really sick of the bloated, ate too much crap feeling.

I can't wait to catch up with everyone and I promise I won't disappear and go crazy like this again until the first week of May. At which time I will be on vacation in New Orleans, and I will NOT be very mindful of my intake then either. I believe you can vacation and eat healthy... but I'm a foodie and I want to really experience what Louisiana has to offer (:

Here's to hard work and determination!!!


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