Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 27 - I Wonder How Long I'll Keep This "Day" Thing Up?

Heeelllloooo everyone!

I have had a really great day off. I usually work on Mondays... but as a result of some "end of the fiscal year cutbacks" they gave me a few less hours than normal and that resulted in an extra day off! I am NOT complaining! I slept till 10, got a TON of running done, made a delicious dinner, and got half my laundry done. Woot.

So in my last post I talked about some decorating I'm doing. I know this isn't related to weight loss or dieting... but I'll get there. I just feel so drab talking about the exact same things everyday. Calories and carbs and sweating and blah blah blah... This is something I'm really excited about and I wanna share.

So our bedroom is all white walls, because we live in an apt and we aren't allowed to do any serious changes. Our bed spread is black, and we have red accent pillows and a red blanket we drape at the bottom. We have black night stands and a black dresser. Then we have 4 red canvas totes we use to hide all of our "stuff". I keep photos and some owners manuals and other random things that wouldn't have a home otherwise (old keychains from my childhood I collected, some fancy hair chopsticks, etc). So basically, it's a black and white room with fun red accents in a few places. Sooo! We have a platform bed and no head board. I decided the wall above our bed (it's a king, so it's a huge area) is way too boring. I searched around for possible decorations... and ultimately decided on taking pictures of things that are red... in a mostly monochromatic environment, or just making the photo B&W except for the red... Then having 3 - 12x12 canvas prints made. And it turned out awesome, I think. We just picked them up today and I haven't talked bf into hanging them yet, but... These are the pictures:

Honestly, I'm not sure I can think of anything more frustrating on this blog than trying to post pictures in an even semi-coherent fashion. AArrgghhh... But, these are the prints. The wine is by far my favorite... and was also the most fun to shoot. But the others are also very neat too. Ummm... They don't necessarily mean anything. Wine, because I am a hardcore wino. Apple because... I always have apples on hand? And I wanna come up with something super clever for the royal flush... Like... love is a gamble and I have been dealt the best possible hand. (; But that's cheesy. hahah Also, please don't mind my messy dresser. It's covered in movies bf and I plan to watch sometime in the next 10 years.

I also wanted to show you guys the healthy meal bf and I created tonight. We just sorta felt like cooking. We did a cracked peppercorn turkey tenderloin in the crockpot all day. Along with some onions and mushrooms. Then we made cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and "creamed" peas. All the while, I was taking a stab at my first batch of apple chips. It was an overall success... Observe...

The dinner was only 265 calories because we made extra, super, amazing healthy choices when creating our "mashed potatoes" and "creamed" peas. Then the apples chips where... okay. From what I gathered, you basically slice the apple super thin, lay on cookie sheet, sprinkle with cinnamon and in my case Truvia, then bake at the lowest setting your oven has for 1.5-2 hours. Well. We joke about our over being a gate to Hell, or how we can't really bake anything because it's like cooking on the surface of the sun.. And it's completely true. Cookies that should take like 10-12 minutes are usually fully cooked and on their way to burnt after like 5 in our oven. My apple chips were done in like 50 minutes solid. It's an old oven and we are pretty sure the thermostat must be broken. Our fridge is similar. Except our fridge gets so cold it freezes our veggies and milk, and our freezer won't stay cold enough to keep ice cream frozen. Oh, the joys of living in a cheap apt during your poor college years. (:

Tomorrow is my weigh in! Today and yesterday were definitely light days, to try and make up for any damage I might have done the two days before that... So I'm not expecting INCREDIBLE things tomorrow morning... but certainly not a gain. Crossing my fingers for a loss tho! *Hopes*

Also, we went running shoe shopping today... We didn't get very far because neither one of us have ever taken up running. So we are total newbs. We are going to give the Couch to 5 K a shot. It sounds like a very promising program. I haven't ran regularly since high school volleyball conditioning. haha I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into... but I think it's important to be active and we have some pretty trails we can run that aren't far from home. Beats paying a bunch for a gym membership!

So definitely more research before we purchase any shoes... if anyone has any running/running shoe advice, please feel free to toss it at me.

Okay, I'm going to do a little elliptical I think and then wash some dishes while bf works on a big paper. This semester has been really laid back as far as HW goes... I shouldn't say that though, because as soon as I do... I'll end up with 15 things due at once.

Here's to hard work and determination,


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the daily posts, I did that for a month but it become to much for me. I find now that since I've blogging for a year, my posts are more then just about weight and going to the gym, its about various things in my life but when you look at the big picture, everything fits together like a puzzle.
