Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 26 - I Haven't Died!

I hate when I go so long without being on here, checking up on my blog, reading other people's blogs, checking the forums, getting inspired, being inspirational (not really - but I'm working on that one).

I just get so busy on the weekends. And if I can fit in work, school, social life, healthy eating and exercise on these days, I just have to accept that something will be sacrificed. And it's usually my computer/TV time.  Oh well!

So, to be completely honest... I haven't actually been as fantastic as I normally am. Generally, I eat between 1200-1350 calories a day. Well! Yesterday friends from out of town came to visit, and we went to Logan's steakhouse. And I HAD to have a roll. I HAD TO. I mean... I didn't have to. But who are we kidding? I had to. So that's a whopping 227 calories! Ahh! Before I even started eating. Luckily though, after one, I reigned in my crazy. But then we had a huge nacho appetizer and that was pretty much all bad too. Long story short... I still managed to finish my day around 211 calories over budget. (My max to lose 2lbs/week is 1511 calories) So yeah. And then the night before I got a wild hair and decided to drink a little. And by a little I mean like... 600 calories worth of Rum/Guinness. I'm a dark beer girl, all the way. Oh, and not together, of course. But I ate like a saint the whole day and ended 24cals over my budget. Not too bad, considering.

Okay... I feel better now that I've confessed all that. haha That's a weird kind of therapy.

Now we'll see if that has any effect on Tuesdaaaaaaaay!

I have also made an official switch from skim milk to almond milk. I'm buying Blue Diamond Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. I had to go to a Fresh Market to find it because none of the grocery stores close to me had it. But it's very tasty. It's only 40 calories for a whole cup. It has 2carbs and only 3.5g of sugar! If I had to describe it... It'd say it tastes like the milk in the bottom of the bowl after you eat cereal. It's a little sweet and creamy. I like it. It's delicious in coffee and cereal. I haven't used it for much else yet. And bf doesn't seem to mind the change either. Horray!

I bought some strawberries on sale at the fresh market too. Along with some plain Greek yogurt (we use it as a substitute for sour cream), yummy new coffee, raspberries, and a brick of 90% cacao chocolate. I am a huge sucker for chocolate, especially the dark variety. I always read that dark chocolate is high in antioxidants. The reason I got 90% is because it's SO rich, and actually a little too bitter to eat more than a square at a time. So that solves my chocolate craving without sending me into a crazy chocolate binge... followed by a chocolate coma.

Enough about food! I am in super-homemaker-mode right now, so I'm probably going to cut this post a little short. I am currently decorating our bedroom... and without going in to crazy detail... I'm taking photos, editing them, then making 12x12 canvas prints to hang above our bed. I'm confident it'll be really neat when it's finished... but I have a coupon for 50% off the canvas prints and the coupon expires on the 31, which means I have some work to do. I have all but one photo taken and edited. When it's done I'll be sure to post it and let everyone see! (:

I would also just like to say how much I appreciate all the comments and feedback I got on my last post. I was driving myself crazy and you guys really made me stop and realize how silly I was being. I was overreacting for sure. I'll be carb conscious, but I will NOT be stressing myself out like that again. It's just all around bad. I feel better about the skin thing too. So thank you, you're all wonderful (:

Here's to hard work and determination,


1 comment:

  1. E, Im sure that your splurges will not have much effect on your journey. Everyone needs a splurge every now and then. Its what keeps us sane and healthy!

    I need to redecorate my room or find an apartment for my college years. I can't wait to get my own place so I can decorate it mostly the way I want it.

    Can't wait for your weigh in! Hope you see your numbers go down again!

