Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 91 - I'm Sucking At This Recently.

I have no new excuses to explain my absenteeism. I'm so busy. I want to be finished with this semester so much it's actually kinda painful. But I keep pushing on. And one of the unfortunate side effects to me NOT deciding to quit school and join the circus is that my blog suffers.

Today is weeeeiiggghhh day. Which is honestly, the only reason I'm taking the time to write at the moment. I just don't want to fall behind.

Last Week: 189.2
This Week: 189.2

A big, fat maintain.

Oh well. It's better than gaining. Besides an absolutely attrotious begining of the week, and some early Easter Candy sprinkled in there periodically, my eating habits have been on the normal - high side. Eating at the tippy top of my calorie range, if not occasionally over. And no exercise. Let's be honest. That requires time. HAH!

Calorie Range: 1,200 - 1,400

Tues,    Mar 27 2,096 - Mom and sisters visit! Umm this is the best guess at my calories?
Wed,    Mar 28 1,800 - Still a little mom and sisters visit damage...
Thus,    Mar 29 1,352 
Fri,       Mar 30 1,363 
Sat,       Mar 31 1,318
Sun,      April 1 1,489
Mon,     April 2 1,590

You can see why I maintained this week, I'd say... Sheesh

This week will be better, minus one day where I told bf we could go out to eat and enjoy Easter Candy without me complaining about how fat it is going to make me.

I'm still very much on track to hit my goal by October-ish. And I'm still ever vigilante in regard to my calorie counting.

Also, as an exciting bit of news... We finally bought official running shoes yesterday. I found a nice pair of Sketcher's. I didn't break the bank or anything... but I really like them. Check 'em:

They're really lightweight and comfortable. They seem like they'll be really breathable too. Pretty cute, I think. And they'll definitely serve their purpose. So today after classes, despite all the crap I have to accomplish in the next 9 days... We are going to start the Couch to 5K progam. Yaaay!

I want this weight to just melt off. And I think if I have lost 30-ish pounds just watching what I eat, if I can continue to eat similarly AND start running... it's bound to just drop off me. We will see!

That's all the time I have right now... I've got a big Stats exam in a couple hours and it's about that time I start cramming things into my brain last minute. FUN!

Here's to hard work and determination,

1 comment:

  1. I love the color purple and sketcher's brand shoes. Guilty of owning about twelve pairs of them! :P
    A maintain is definitely better than gaining especially with the family visit included there. I would so trade in a heart beat with you though. Eventually I will have everything updated but I know for a fact I've gained and gained and gained :[
    Oh well! Just means that it's time to start really pushing myself to lose the weight! :D
    Anyway, Keep up everything and good luck on the exam!
