Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 86 - Back On Track

Well... The past two days went exactly as I expected them to go. I had an amazing time with my mom and little sisters. We ate pizza and ice cream and watched a scary movie the first night they were here. Then yesterday we walked around the zoo for probably 3 hours and took a million pictures. Then we ate hamburgers. Then they left. It was an all around awesome visit. Then for some reason after they left... I had more ice cream and skipped dinner. I guess I was stuck in "eat whatever" mode. Two "off days" in a row, while completely worth it, can't really be happening a lot. So... no more off days for at least a week. Maybe two.

Needless to say, I'm not expecting to see much loss this week. Which is okay, I guess. I don't FEEL as bad as I expected myself to. I feel normal. But surely two whole days of crap food and no water will wreck some kind of havoc on my body. And I'm betting it'll reer it's ugly head on weigh day. We will see, I guess!

I can't help but think... This far in I thought I'd have everything under control. Completely figured out... Ya know? 86 days since I began this journey. I've lost 30 pounds. By now, I shouldn't be having 2 off days in a row. I just want this weight loss to be permenant. I want this to be a lifestyle change. But I guess enjoying a couple days with your family is a part of your life. And maybe, since I know what I did wrong and I'm back at it now, I'm making alright decisions.

Blaah... Guilt.

I have 4 more weeks of classes. Which sounds like forever. But... I'm only going to class twice a week, which means I actually only have 8 classes left. THAT sounds amazing. And terrorfying too... since I have so much to do and so little time to accomplish it.

I am really excited about this summer though. We are planning a few little getaways and I am thrilled to be getting out for a few weeks. I need the break. And a little adventure.

But thinking and daydreaming about summer isn't going to make it come any faster... And I still have loads to accomplish before then. So I'm going to wrap this up, work on studying, and maybe find myself some lunch.

Here's to hard work and determination,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 84 - Eventful.

I was trying to think of an alternate word for busy. I say busy a lot. I thought eventful might also be an accurate way to describe my day. Occupied, perhaps. Maybe unavailable?! Hectic and engaged are also good ones. Okay... I'm done.

Sooo. Today is wweeeeiigggghhh daaaay! And a good one, at that. I'm very excited to be posting this...

My bones were incorrect last night, when they were telling me I'm a fat cow and have stopped losing weight. I know, it isn't nice to call yourself names. That was just the sort of overall feeling I had last night. Anyway!

Last Week: 192.6
This Week: 189.2

A loss of... 3.4 pounds (ounds)...(unds)...(nds)...

That was an echo for those of you unsure about what just happened. (:

Very happy to be below the 190's... even if it's only a little below. It still counts in my eyes.

I feel like I should really have been working on cardio and maybe some weight training this whole time... My results, while noticable and super exciting, aren't what I thought they would be after a 30 pound loss. I'm wondering if I would be looking different [tight?] [tone?] [not so flabby?] if I had been exercising the whole time. And the obvious answer is yes, E, that's a really dumb question. OF COURSE you would.

Calories for the week: (Again, more for my record retention than anyone else's benefit. But if anyone is curious about foods I consume day-to-day or how I determined my calorie range, please feel free to inquire!)

Calorie Range: 1,200 - 1,400

Tues, Mar 20 1,708 (Went out to eat... No nutritional information. This is a guesstamation.)
Wed, Mar 21 1,151- unconsiously making up for the previous day?
Thus, Mar 22 1,135 - oops.
Fri,    Mar 23 1,057 - oops again.
Sat,    Mar 24 1,382
Sun,   Mar 25 1,431
Mon,   Mar 26 1,327

I promise, despite what it looks like, I'm not starving. I don't do a lot of snacking. And my schedule makes big lunches/dinner difficult. Blah.

Today I'm counting everything up until dinner. And then I'll start with my approximations. I really want a Frozen Hot Chocolate from Dairy Queen tonight. My sisters will want ice cream when they visit and I'm more than willing to oblige. I'll work on searching for nutritional information and getting an accurate calorie estimation made and plan a little for tonight... TO THE INTERNETS!

Alright... back to work. Everyone have wonderful days. Someday... in the near future... I'd like to add a little more content to my blogs. I'm just not sure where I wanna go with it just yet. So until then...

Here's to hard work and dertermination,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 83 - I Feel Like I'm Starting Brand New

It's been SO LONG!!!

Hello wonderful people,

I'm very excited to be posting on my brand new Blogger blog. Word Press can kiss my grits.

Well, that's not nice... It was nice while it lasted. I just can't tolerate websites that don't maintain a certain level of upkeep.

Anyway... Hopefully I will find lots of new diet buddies around these parts. I can say though, I am SUPER excited Diet Riot and Dysfunctional Barbie are here too! Super. Excited. (:

Without going through and monotonously updating about the last 6 days of my life... I'll summarize.

I have been very, very busy. I finally finished running experiments for my research course. I'm done with data collection and officially writing up my results. Which are all bad and disappointing... But I won't chat about those boring details either.

I have been eating within my calorie range. Everyday but one in the past week. A few days below my calorie range, unfortunately. For some reason I can feel it in my bones... I'm just not going to lose anything tomorrow. I just don't FEEL it. Usually I feel lighter, or slimmer... Nothing. I feel exactly the same and maybe even a little bloated. All I wanna do is eat.

That leads me to my next point... TOM is right around the corner. We're talking... Within the next 2-3 days. I wanna blame my fat feelings on that. But who knows... Maybe it's officially time to stop talking about exercising and just actually start exercising on a regular basis.

My water intake has been unusually low recently too. I haven't substituted anything bad in its place... I just haven't wanted it. ): That'll change when it gets warmer and I start really kicking my ass with the exercising.

I guess the past week has been more about living and getting by then focusing a lot on health. While I was eating very mindfully and all that jazz... I just haven't been as involved as I normally am.

Tomorrow my mom and sisters are coming to visit me! We are going to have a fun pizza and ice cream sleep over. And then Wednesday morning we are going to the zoo. I'm really, nerdily excited. I haven't seen them in what seems like forever. And if the night they are here I toss my healthy lifestyle in the toilet for some pizza and ice cream, well I don't see much wrong with that.

Well that's it for now... Sorry that seemed short. I'll be posting again late tomorrow morning, for my weekly weigh in. And more chitter-chatter, no doubt.

I'm also planning on sticking around the 3FatChicks forums. I still love the forums and the awesome people that hang around there. 

Here's to hard work and determination,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 77 - I Did A Number On Myself

Helllooo lovelies!

I am sorry again for my absence. This blog has really lost my interest since it decided to be all broken...

I do feel an obligation to post on wweeeiiggghhh daaaay, however.

For anyone curious about my title, I'll get to that soon.

So... the results!

Last Week: 194.0

This Week: 192.6

A loss of 1.4 pounds.

Now... the way I look at this today: A loss is a loss is a loss. Whether it's half a pound, one pound, or four pounds. So I'm a happy camper. I weigh less than I did last week, and the week before that and the month before that. And isn't that the ultimate goal, anyway?

A rough estimation of my calories for the week were:

Tues, Mar 13 1,361

Wed,  Mar 14 1,237

Thus, Mar 15 1,283

Fri,    Mar 16 1,171

Sat,    Mar 17 ????

Sun,   Mar 18 ???? (<700... I'll explain!)

Mon,  Mar 19 1,396

Anyone who skimmed those is probably thinking... What the heck, E? What's your problem? What happened Saturday and Sunday?

WELL! The answer to that is... Saint Patrick's Day happened. I went out, innocently enough, for a few drinks. Fully intending on keeping myself in check. However, I ended up going out with someone turning 21, and all their free shots also became free shots for me as well. I don't know why, but I decided in a drunken stupor no doubt, never to decline free shots from a man in green suspenders and a glittery green hat. So I didn't. And that's what happened Saturday.

Then... early Sunday morning consisted mostly of me swearing off alcohol forever, crying, and being violently ill. This, my friends, was not my finest hour. I didn't eat on Sunday until around 7pm, which was coincidentally also the first time I left my bed that day. I'm not exaggerating when I say I drank entirely too much. In fact, it's possible that's an understatement. I'm still feeling the ill effects... which really just tells me I'm getting old.

My small loss is probably a combination of me eating below my calories this week, and then throwing up anything I might have eaten over my calories on Saturday. I'd say my weight loss is slowing because I haven't fully incorporated exercise into my life. Which is something I must do. And soon.

Besides all that, the jeans I'm wearing are making me upset. I know, no one wants to read about someone complaining about clothes not fitting because they're now too big... For some reason, I'm losing weight unproportionally, so my jeans are too loose in my butt, legs, and hips... but still okay in the waist. So I'm walking around all saggy looking. Boo.

That's all for me today! Going to see if there have been any improvments to the commenting situation. My expectations are low...

Here's to hard work and determination!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 73 - Quickie

I have to work in just a little bit... but I wanted to get on here and post a picture. Actually two, but one you've already seen. I'm a big fan of pictures that SPAN the weightless journey, rather than one before and one after kinda thing. Those are very inspiring too. But I wanna see what it was like in between the beginning and the end. So... here's a "during" photo. It's from yesterday. I thought since I was wearing the same shirt yesterday as I was in a before picture, it'd be good to show the differences. Anyway, it's only after like 30ish pounds... So it isn't a mind-blowing difference. But I can see little differences!

November/December 2011 - Between 220-225 pounds

Yesterday - Around 194 pounds!

Like I said, not mind-blowing... but I like during pictures. And I can't wait until there IS a huge, crazy difference.

Hope everyone is staying on track and being good to themselves!!

Here's to hard work and determination,


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 72 - I'm More Than A Little Annoyed

I'm almost to the point of boycotting this website until they get something fixed. It's driving me insane having to practically hack into my account to sign in, then be unable to comment once I get here. For a while, it was letting me comment if I was running IE... but now every time I get a, "This site has a programming error" screen. Annoying. More than annoying. Get this crap fixed! I accept this is a free service and I should keep my expectations relatively low. However, I see ads all over the place. If the people who maintain this blog are making money off the advertisements, I'd say they need to be fixing this broken crap.

On to other things...

Yesterday I played a fun game called... "It's Warm Outside, Let's See What Spring Clothes Fit Now." It was lots of fun. And I definitely won. I pulled out all my shorts and a couple summery skirt things. I even dug out the stuff at the very bottom of my drawer that had been retired for being too snug/not fitting AT ALL.

All the shorts I was wearing last summer are way loose. Then, all the shorts and things I didn't wear much because they were tight and uncomfortable fit perfectly, if not a tiny bit on the big side. Then I got to the stuff I didn't even bother trying to wear last summer. I have a pair of khaki capris I was wearing when I graduated highschool, we're talking 2007 so that's like 5 years ago. This time last year, I tried them on... couldn't really get them past my hips, cried and took them off. Yesterday, I got them up and buttoned. Now... they are still way too tight to wear in public or for long periods of time. BUT the fact that they fit at all made me really happy, muffin top and all.

I'd found a few more shirts I can fit in more comfortably too. And I'm finding shirts that I'd been wearing the whole time (and probably shouldn't have been) are looking quite awesome on me. Today I'm wearing a shirt that I'm wearing in one of the pictures on my photo page. It's a cotton black short sleeve zip up shirt and I always wear a tank underneath it. It fits so differently on me today than it does in the picture. It's longer and looks less like it's uncomfortably stretched around my body. Pretty freakin' exciting.

So celebrations there.

I'm also still trying to decide what fun things to do with my hair! Even though I know you will not be able to comment... I'm going to be optimistic here. Here's a photo of my hair now... If anyone out there with a flare for hair styles or if I'm really lucky someone who is actually a stylist. Toss me some fun ideas. I'm ready for something new!

I don't know why my face looks 5 shades darker than my neck... and I promise my hair is even on both sides. It's hard to discretely take a photo of yourself in the middle of a computer lab full of people. Haha

I have no idea what I'm doing about meals today... It's a lot of running around and going to class and getting stuff done. I'll probably be very low on calories today. But one or two days of that isn't all that bad, I don't think. Better than WAY too many, in my opinion!

Evvverrrybody have an awesome day!

Here's to hard work and determination, and getting this blog fixed,


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 70 - It's Far Too Pretty Outside For Me To Feel This Terrible

I have a headache from Hell right now. It's all in my right eye and the right side of my head. It's also making me sick to my stomach and super tired. And obviously, it's really bumming me out. Oh yeah, did I mention it's freakin' 75 degrees out and sunny? Yeah... and all I feel like doing is yacking and going to bed. And maybe cry a little )':

I skipped my first class and slept in this morning. So I weighed myself around 11:45, rather than 7:30 when I normally would have.

Today's weeeiiggghhhh daaaaayyy goes as follows:

2 Weeks Ago: 196.2

This Week: 194.0

A loss of 2.2 pounds.

This is really okay, in my opinion. It seems more likely to me that I maintained the week of Spring Break and then lost this past week. Rather than somehow lost 1 pound over SB eating nonstop garbage and only 1 pound this week, being completely on track everyday but 1.

A rough estimation of my calories for the week were:

Tues, Mar 06 Last Day of Spring Break

Wed, Mar 07 1,258

Thus, Mar 08 1,254

Fri, Mar 09 1,108

Sat, Mar 10 1,354

Sun, Mar 11 1,325

Mon, Mar 12 2,205

Well. As it turns out, I was off plan TWO days this past week. Huh. Well, whatever.

Yesterday, we went to Red Lobster on kind of a whim... I ended up having a Sangeria, Half bf's Salmon, Half my Sirloin with A1 sauce, like 3 coconut jumbo shrimp, steamed broccoli, a cheese biscuit and a half of their crazy Chocolate Chip Molten Lava Cookie with Ice Cream and Magic and Heaven. It was incredible. And all bad. Sooo... that's what happened there.

My head hurts so bad it's making it hard to really concentrate on anything... But I couldn't let TWO wweeeiiggghhh ddaaaays go by without a post. What kind of blogger would I be if I did that?

I did also realize I've reached my first mini goal. I am now a little bitty bit past my 25% mark. So that's extremely exciting and I will be getting my hair did soon. I have been carrying around $100 in my wallet from my birthday that I keep meaning to deposit into my bank. I might just use that and see what kind of amazing things I can have done to my hair. I might chicken out and not do anything too exciting. Either way, I'll post a before and after picture.

Anyone know anything new about the comment stuff being broken. It's kind of hit and miss for me. It's honestly getting on my nerves. It's been a few days too many for something so vital to not be functioning.

I have approximately 1.2 million things to do between today and this time next week. So I'm going to get off here and see if I can't knock a few of those things out right now. Before I make an early retirement to my soft, cushy bed.

Here's to hard work and determination... and my headache letting up.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 66 - This Comment Business Is Bugging Me!

I have been trying to comment on a handful of blogs for a little while now... With absolutely no success. I saw DietRiot was having similar issues on my blog... How about everyone else?

After typing that... I realize you will likely not be able to post a comment telling me you are experiencing similar issues, if you are in fact experiencing the same problems. I'll take your silence as a yes. haha

Today at 4pm is the official end of my vacation. I am so so so so sad. I need at least another 3 days. Ugh. ):

On the other hand, getting back into my routine will be nice too. I feel like I eat more regularly and am able to get off my butt and exercise more when I'm in a routine. So that's good...

My nails have finally started growing out again. I haven't mentioned my nails much in the weeks I've been posting but... I love nail art. I've been really into it for about 6 months... Then January/February came and all my nails started breaking and looking gross and I lost all interest in nail art. Well... I looked down today and can happily report my nails are looking healthy again (no doubt because I'm eating more). So I'm going to take some time today after laundry and before work and paint my nails! But while I'm waiting for my laundry to dry... I thought I'd share some photos with you all!

Let me also say, I'm no professional... This is just a hobby and I know they aren't amazing! But it's a lot of fun and I wanted to share with you guys!

I'll start with the really simple ones... Black tips!

Snowy French Mani-type Tips

Pretty Jade color... My nails used to be long and pretty. ):

First attempt at water marbling. Only on my ring finger. This is a pain in the ass! lol

Next water marbling attempt... Decided this was way too much work. But it looks neat!

I wore these all through January. Fun snowflake design...

Another fun Christmas design... Christmas lights!

Wore these on Christmas Eve/Day. Cute little Santa hats!

This one looks messy. I just did it to see if I could. Kinda neat tho, I guess.

Saved my favorite for last... Super Mario Nails!! My index finger got smudged. Sad face.

Okay that's it! Looking at these, my fingers look super pudgy in a few of them.... but oh well! I'm very excited that my nails are getting stronger again, so I can get back into this little hobby. Yay!

Okay, this was completely unrelated to weight loss... Forgive me! I just don't have much to report today... I eat the exact same things everyday almost. So... Uneventful. I'll do better next post. Promise!

Here's to hard work and determination,


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 64 - A Tornado Didn't Eat Me

Hello lovelies!

I don't have much to say despite being kinda MIA for like a week.

We have been experiencing some crazy weather here in Indiana recently. Cold one day, warm the next, and tornados and snow. I don't even know what to expect till I actually go outside. Where I live there were several tornados in the surrounding towns, but fortunately nothing here. A little wind damage and we went 5 hours without power at work one day last week, which was exciting.

I'm on spring break. I just got back from a weekend in Indianapolis. It has been a weekend of complete debautury. Steak and Shake, Russell Stover Store, Dunkin Donuts, lots of crown and coke, gross/delicious gas station burritos at 2am, Starbucks, Godiva chocolate store, PF Changs, amazing downtown Indy pub food... Honestly, I could probably keep going. But I'm not going to. I absolutely love Indianapolis. The concert was awesome. We saw Puscifer. Who I doubt may of you have heard of... Usually this helps: The lead sing of Tool has a solo project. That's Puscifer. I got to meet the guys in the band and get some stuff signed. Pretty freakin' amazing. It was a small venue, which is my favorite. Walking around downtown, in the middle of the night, while it was snowing was also pretty awesome.

I didn't weigh myself yesterday. Mostly because I wasn't home to do so.

I can also happily report I'm back on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon as of today. I missed it to be honest. I had a lot of fun this weekend, but I started feeling really crappy after like 3 days of it. I missed my nutritious food and I got really sick of the bloated, ate too much crap feeling.

I can't wait to catch up with everyone and I promise I won't disappear and go crazy like this again until the first week of May. At which time I will be on vacation in New Orleans, and I will NOT be very mindful of my intake then either. I believe you can vacation and eat healthy... but I'm a foodie and I want to really experience what Louisiana has to offer (:

Here's to hard work and determination!!!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 58 - Bleck.

I am bloated and swollen today. And I woke up really queasy. Breakfast didn't help and neither has the gallon (exaggeration) of water I've drank already today. I'm annoyed and would like to know what the deal is. I didn't eat anything unusual yesterday and felt fine when I went to bed.


And TOM still hasn't arrived. This isn't a possible pregnancy issue... It's more a side effect of my new(ish) BC.

I'm grouchy. ): That's all I wanted to say I think...

I'm worried I won't be able to eat much today because my schedule really isn't going to allow it. Had coffee this morning and a light English muffin with grape jam. Lunch will be a crunchy granola bar and a light yogurt. Then snack will be .5oz of almonds. Dinner is going to have to be something prepackaged like a Healthy Choice frozen something... Today isn't shaping up to be anything impressive.

I hope everyone else is having more successful days then me.

Here's to hard work and determination,
